All stage names follow a simple convention.
- The first letter of the name is the stage type:
- C for Classifier stages,
- M for Mission Based stages, and
- R for Run-n-Gun stages.
- Followed by the stage id for that type.
- Followed by the number of coins required.
- The final part is a stage name (if available).
Here are some examples:
Stage Name Listed | Stage Type | Stage Id | Number Of Coins Required | The Extended Stage Name (If Available) |
C0001-1 - 1 Target Option Classifier | C for Classifier | 0001 | 1 | 1 Target Option Classifier |
M0001-1 - No Where to Run | M for Mission Based | 0001 | 1 | No Where to Run |
M0003-2 - Take The Money And Run | M for Mission Based | 0003 | 2 | Take The Money And Run |
R0032-1 | R for Run-n-Gun | 0032 | 1 | no additional name given |