The 1Gun Classification Policy provides the rules and challenging process around 1Gun classifications.  

Shooters are required to perform a classifier by their fourth local match.  If the shooter has not performed a classifier at this time, the club may assign the shooter a classification by following the steps called out in this document.

Why Classify

1Gun feels that less classifications are better than more.  With only three classifications (Advanced, Intermediate, and Novice) we believe we are providing enough incentive for people to push their skill level, while not throwing the less skilled shooters into the deep end.  To ensure this classification remains fair and to remove as much "sandbagging" as possible, we provide affiliated club's the ability to adjust shooters classifications as well.


1Gun Organization

  1. Due to the newness of 1Gun, the classification scores will be reevaluated and potentially change every quarter for the first year.

Affiliated Club

  1. Every affiliated club must provide the ability for shooter's to take a classifier at a minimum of once a quarter.
  2. Every affiliated club must promote shooters to become a 1Gun member and classify.
  3. If the club determines that a shooter has had ample time to classify, but has not, the club may assign the shooter a classification based off how that shooter performs over the last four matches relative to his/her peers.  If the shooter is in the lower 15% or the upper 15%, the shooter will be assessed with either Novice or Advanced, depending on what side of the scale the shooter falls under.  
  4. Every affiliated club representative, match director, and safety officer owns the responsibility to identify misclassified shooters and raise the issue to the match director and 1Gun club representative.  At that point, it is their responsibility to either:
    1. review previous match results and determine if the shooter's classification needs to be altered
    2. include a classifier into several matches to determine the shooter's true classification level


  1. Every 1Gun shooter is required to classify by their forth 1Gun match.
  2. Every 1Gun shooter has the obligation to reclassify as part of keeping in good standings.
  3. If the shooter feels they have an incorrect classification, they can opt to take a classifier and petition to have their classification reviewed.